Volunteer Opportunities

CALAA’s various volunteer committees are the heart of our productivity. Consider joining our mission by helping out in the following areas: social media, outreach and promotion, The Stilt House Zine committee, volunteer & recruitment committee, fundraising, joining the board of directors, and grant writing!

View our Volunteer Package below for more info.

Please note: All interested volunteer must complete and sign a Volunteer Application and Volunteer Consent & Release form in order to volunteer for CALAA.


Join the Board!

The Board currently meets once a month to discuss all things CALAA and to help steer the organization to a successful future.

Current Open Positions:

Vice President


After you have filled out and sign BOTH forms (Volunteer Application and Volunteer Consent & Release), please email CALAA at calaa.lowell@gmail.com and type in subject line, “Volunteer Opportunity,” and attach your signed forms to your email. Additionally, please include a current cover letter and resume with your completed forms. We will review your application and will contact you to schedule an interview.


Help CALAA by sharing our mission and vision through social media or word of mouth.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/CALAAssociation

Instagram: @calaalowell

Twitter: @CALAAssociation

E-mail: calaa.lowell@gmail.com